Here is a gret script that restarts the Autodiscover Apppool every 5 minutes until there isn’t any mailboxes left on the oldserver. This one works for Exchange 2016 and 2013 Was this helpful please rate
Greate cmdlets to use during exchange migration This powershell cmdlet requieres that you are connected to exchange online. It will list the status of all mailboxes beeing synced. Another cmd-let that gives some more detailed look Replace emailaddress Complete single mailboxes during migration; Get a list of all mailboxes incl. totalitemsize og mailbox type; Remove …
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Here is a script that will help you copy from different sources to different destinations. Like when you need to create a new structure for your fileserver. You need to create a csv file, with the source, destination, and excluded folders. Leaver the latter empty if you shouldn’t exclude anything. The script search through all …
In addition to the Remote Desktop reboot i’ve created one for citrix as well. This customer had two catalogs, and thay didn’t want the second machine catalog to be rebooted each day. Replace the $XACatalogName with you own. Was this site helpful?
I recommend rebooting your terminal server at lease once a week to clear up your memmory. Often your customer would like to be advertised before the servers are rebooted. I created below script which queries the connection broker for remote dekstop session host servers. For each session host server it sends a message to each …
Recently we needed a script that could list all groups with all group members – we struggled a bit with the layout of the file. But here it is -Searchbase should be replaced with your own distinguished name